Caring for an aging loved one often comes with difficult decisions, including finding the right living environment that supports their needs while offering safety and…
Safety Concerns for the Elderly in Apartments
How Much Do You Know About Holiday-Related Scams?
Scams have become a part of our everyday lives, unfortunately: Between the phishing emails and texts from people pretending to be government officials or online retailers needing your personal…
Holiday Open House!
10 Worst Habits for Your Heart
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to your risk of developing heart disease, the leading killer in the U.S. Let’s start with the bad….
What Your Blood Type Says About Your Health
Do you know your blood type? There’s a good chance that you don’t. More Americans know their horoscope sign (66 percent) than their blood type (51 percent),…
Will I Lose My Memory?
This has happened to me more than once: I walk into the kitchen, my mind ticking through the day’s chores and errands, and as I…